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Nathan Tierney

I’m a father and husband first and foremost, but also a successful business leader, author, certified coach, and tech entrepreneur whose purpose is to inspire positive change with a clear focus on value.

No book can magically give you a strong moral character. Nor solve the world’s problems. Sometimes, you just need to fail so miserably or lose someone of such personal value to your life in order to wake the hell up and choose to take a different path. I can only give you a few tools for your proverbial toolkit to be successful. The choice and your effort along that path are entirely up to you.

Nathan Tierney


Husband, Father, and Veteran

A 90-year-old person has lived 47,336,400 minutes. While that seems a big number in reality it is not unless you use it well. Time is finite and we cannot buy or trade for more. I believe strongly in stretching oneself and coaching others to achieve big goals or fail fast in order to learn and continuously improve. Live a life of significance by focusing on the outcomes, embracing constraints and never quit.

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books published

Editorial Reviews

As healthcare organizations transition from traditional fee-for-service to value-based models of reimbursement, they’re re-engineering the way they do business. They need processes and solutions that help them define and achieve outcomes-based success. The Value Realization Framework describes the underlying principles organizations need to mark their progress. It’s another tool that can help organizations meet the operational, regulatory and quality demands of health care today and in the future

Paul M. Black

CEO Allscripts

“For hospital executives, healthcare professionals, policymakers, patient rights advocates, and anyone interested in understanding how and why outcomes must drive strategy, Nathan’s book has it all. With most comprehensive coverage and detailed examples of outcomes based value creation, it is a handbook to design and implement transformational programs. A thorough guide to truly understand what healthcare is all about - a must-read for leaders who sincerely want to make a change.”

Al Naqvi

President of American Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Professor, Formerly CFO of Illinois Health and Science healthcare system

“Value. Value based care. Value optimization. Policy makers and providers alike are pressing on all fronts to drive healthcare to a better place based on “value”. The risk is that value becomes a hollow, overused term with little or no quantifiable meaning. Nathan Tierney has compiled an excellent resource to help us avoid such a fate. Building upon the concept of a Value Management Office, Mr. Tierney provides us with a blueprint on how and why to create such an office, how to quantify value, and how to achieve a shared understanding and vision of what success looks like. This detailed roadmap is a must read for all in healthcare as a guide to understanding how to build value into our health delivery systems and to deliver measurable value-oriented outcomes.”

H. Stephen Lieber

President & CEO HIMSS

“Value-based health care is one of the most important concepts in health reform to emerge in the past 100 years of modern medicine. The concept, developed by Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter, asks that the industry reshapes how it is organized and what it measures to improve outcomes and control costs. It is a concept that is embraced by patients, clinicians, administrators, and payers. While sometimes thought to be strictly conceptual, Nathan Tierney has assembled a book that takes health care organizations through a step by step process of how to create and run a value management office. He covers not only the basics of the value-based healthcare framework but addresses key issues like change and project management. This well written and concise guide will be essential for any organization embarking on a value-based health care journey.”

Dr. Thomas Feeley

MD Anderson and Senior Fellow Harvard Business School

"Whenever thinking of innovation in healthcare - whether you are in public or private hospital, whether you consider radical or gradual change, whether you work for pharmaceutical company or digital healthcare startup, and whatever healthcare policy your nation has – you may find yourself facing the fact that ‘Value-based healthcare’ is the key to solve your problem. If you need a comprehensive guide to tackle your own issue, this book is the one you are finding. Nathan made outstanding efforts on this book to provide practical tips and insights based on his learning and experiences as a healthcare innovator.”

Charles (Dong Cheol) Kim

Chief of Future Insights and Strategy, Samsung Life Public Welfare Foundation • Samsung Medical Center

“This book presents an evidence, value based decision making philosophy sorely lacking in today's antiquated medical system. This book should be required reading for all legislators, presidents, hospital CEOs and administrators. Timely and relevant to today's healthcare dilemmas.”

Fernando Burstein MD

FACS, FAAP, Clinical Professor Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Emory University, Director of Craniofacial Surgery Children's healthcare of Atlanta

“Nathan has drawn on his diverse and sometimes intense life experiences to successfully develop a resource for all health organisations to use when implementing a value driven approach to health care. Whether a commissioner or a provider of health care, the value based healthcare approach enables organisations to frame their strategic, tactical and operational response to better deliver outcomes that really matter to patients and the population served. Nathan describes, in a very practical and ‘real’ way, the journey from theory through to practice for organisations wishing to embrace a value and outcomes based system of healthcare.

Rob Holcombe

MSc, FCCA, Assistant Finance Director, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Wales, UK

“As a public health physician practicing in one of the African countries, I can dispassionately say that Nathan Tierney in this book has instilled a new vitality into health care management by translating this day to day discussion into a compelling intriguing read, applicable to both the realities of today and the future of implementing value management in health care. His descriptions which I tag 'call to action' brings forth the needed creation, management and measurement of values in health services, with incomparable concepts that improve services and create fervent customers.”

Bola I. Gobir MD

MSc. Interim Country Director (Nigeria), Assistant Professor Center for International Health, Education, and Biosecurity (CIHEB); Maryland Global Initiatives Corporation (MGIC), Institute of Human Virology University of Maryland Baltimore School of Medicine

“Healthcare is experiencing transformation across the world, from the developed markets to emerging markets. The core concept is how to deliver value, better clinical results, more cost effectiveness and shareholders’ value through industry innovation. Nathan Tierney’s book just provides health care industry a valuable guide on value-based analysis from health care provider’s point of view, not just concept but real practice. The knowledge within the book will be indispensable for health care industry to innovate and help more patients.”

George Wang

MBA, General Manager of Cardiovascular and Specialty Solutions Group, Johnson and Johnson Medical China

“We humans usually struggle wrapping our heads around the abstract concept of “value”, regardless the domain. Measuring it, often times seems some sort of a subjective exercise. When we talk health, it´s even more difficult to measure it, though we all know very well, we feel it in our pockets and hearts, when we or our loved ones are receiving a valuable treatment. That´s precisely why it is so important for patients and healthcare professionals alike to measure it and create a culture around it.

Rafael Garrido Rivas

Managing Partner everis USA, an NTT Data Company

"Nathan Tierney has developed a much needed, comprehensive, and multi-dimensional framework for healthcare professionals who are interested in improving the value of their outcomes … The complexity of connecting operational performance measures (CSF, KPI and KRIs) of initiatives with strategic business objectives is exchanged with clarity … Read this book - and learn from one of the best."

Dr. Ajay Asthana,

President, Pretium Analytics.

“Nathan’s book is a beautiful dance of countermeasures, root cause, and the required processes to ensure optimal outcomes for all involved. Critical Success Factors (CSF) will always remind me of those good ole days when I used to hold my breath while performing a difficult spinal tap in the ER at 3am. Transforming complex healthcare industry can now begin with this must read where true value based healthcare can drive better outcomes for the patients efficiently.”

Sonya Kim

MD, MBA, CEO & Founder , One Caring Team

"Nathan Tierney addresses perhaps the most pressing issue in American healthcare today – the universal need to align management techniques with health outcomes. In what should be required reading for experts and those just beginning the journey that is value-based healthcare, he presents a step-by-step guide to implementing the change needed to succeed, in a reference that can be returned to again and again. From outlining the fundamental shift required for organizations to compete in today’s healthcare environment, to presenting key measurements of progression and success, Tierney has produced an accessible guide to how a value management office can be set up for success."

Niall Wallace

CEO Infonaut Inc.

“A Veteran, Nathan Tierney has combined his passion for this country and the system that cares for her Veterans, drawing from an unmatched fund of knowledge, skills, and experience in information technology, analytics, and business acumen to create a portrait of value that is founded upon the dignity of the individual. With our rising health care costs, nearing 20% of the Gross Domestic Product, organizations must come to terms with the economic implications of not immediately reigning in wasteful spending that inversely affects the triple aim, creating a triple threat: worse economic health, poor population and personal health, and reckless care. Tierney’s Value Management in Healthcare eradicates this triple threat through a clear and precise approach that any health care organization can adopt.

David Massaro

MD, Deputy Chief Medical Officer VISN 9, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

“Value Management in Healthcare by Nathan W. Tierney, outlines how Healthcare Delivery Organizations (HDOs) apply Value Management methodologies in order to revive their processes. Currently, the health care structure is failing all patients, providers, and payers due to the zero-sum competition design. everis has been a leader and champion for Value Management within healthcare systems and is very proud to be a contributor to this awesome book. The efforts promoted through the book have already been nationally recognized. On November 30th, 2016, Nathan and the everis team won an award at the Predictive Analytics Summit in Chicago for ‘Best Use of Data for a Public Good’. This award was presented to the group who has ‘used data to help government and services solve society’s biggest problems’. Everis focuses on the patient, and more specifically the patient’s Value, as the center of the HDO’s establishment.

Mario Chao


“Every CEO and senior executive whose successful tenure depends on achieving digital transformation of their business units should read this book and know how to stand up a value management office to achieve outcomes-oriented results and delivering measurable value from information technology efforts. Every CIO and IT executive whose success and longevity as a leader depends on enhancing their strategic role and engaging with business line sponsors should follow the value management approach outlined in this book. Every healthcare leader who is accountable for outcomes and results for their organization’s clinical and IT performance and whose standing depends on happy, engaged clinicians and patients should understand the importance of the value management in asking the right questions and demanding good performance from their information technology partners and suppliers.

Aneel Advani

MD, Assoc Prof (Adj), Johns Hopkins and former CMIO Indian Health Service, Associate Director for Technology, CDC

“Nathan Tierney’s powerful storytelling is rarely seen in today’s health care business environment. We must redesign the health care delivery system---a team sport in service of patients, hold it accountable with measurement to improve outcomes, and quantify the resource costs over the full cycle of care. Value-based health care is a framework through which these goals are achieved, and Tierney provides a detailed playbook to get your organization there. Outlined in incredible detail and clarity, he presents core concepts and dives into the key metrics needed to build, maintain, and scale a successful value-based health care organization. Nathan shares a realistic vision of what any CEO should expect when developing their own Value Management Office.

Mahek Shah

MD, Senior Researcher and Senior Project Leader, Harvard Business School

“There is no industry or business in the world that measures its services by something other than their added value. Yet, value-based healthcare delivery is a relatively new concept in the healthcare industry. Although we have witnessed a global trend moving towards the development of value-based healthcare services, the United States is lagging behind many developed countries in this regard. The current fee-for-service model that incentivizes doctors and hospitals to increase volume and, possibly, demand for services, is perhaps one of the main causes of rising healthcare costs and the U.S.

Shahin Tabatabaei

MD, Director, MGH Prostate Health Program, Department of Urology, Massachusetts General Hospital

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