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The overarching goal for healthcare providers, as well as for every other stakeholder, must be to improve value – and satisfaction – for patients. Here we defined value as delivering the health outcomes that matter most to patients at the lowest possible cost.

To that end, applications that empower patients, clinicians, and payers will influence the future healthcare delivery landscape in three distinct ways:

  • Patients will choose providers based on outcome value scores.
  • Providers will leverage data to make targeted improvements and learn.
  • Payers will measure ROI and direct patients to high-value providers.

In this session, as a global leader in value management, I will explain, absent a value-based approach toward achieving desired outcomes, patients, clinicians and payers will suffer the consequences of inefficient and poor quality of care, dissatisfaction, and increased medical costs.


Note, this will be a virtual event with Zoom link forthcoming


Venue 01
1507 Horizon Park Blvd
Leander, 78641 United States